I am currently offering three on-line training programs that you can participate in from anywhere you can connect to the Internet.
If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area I still have a few personal training slots available.
The answer is because I truly want to share how I improved my life with people who need help improving their lives. Back in 2001 I appeared on the NBC broadcast of the Escape From Alcatraz triathlon. The story focused on how a gift from my dying father inspired me to lose weight and become a Personal Fitness Trainer (you can view this story at my Video Gallery). I received numerous emails and phone calls from people all over the world who wanted my help (NBC let the BBC broadcast this story throughout Europe). There were a few people who lived in San Francisco and were able to train with me in person. There was even a woman who was willing to commute from Los Angeles to train with me each week.
The fact is I had to turn down a lot of people, as there was no practical way to effectively train from a distance. The last thing I wanted to do was to take people's money and not provide them with the help they needed to reach their goals and live their dreams. Few people could afford to train with me as often as they needed. I really wanted to share the gift of life my Dad gave me and vowed to find a way.
Mass improvements in technology have provided me with that way. Thanks to high-speed Internet, Skype, smart phones and GPS, I can help people 24/7 365 days a year in any corner of the globe. I can interact with these people and lead them to a healthier life as if we were together in the same room. Wherever they are, at home, at school, at work, day or night, I can be there with them and I have their back.
I have adopted the nom de guerre XBigMan. If XBigMan were a super hero, my power would be not that I am extraordinary, but that I am an ordinary human being who struggled to walk with a 368-pound body. I will never forget the constant struggles of this experience. Inside XBigMan there will always be a "BigMan." I am one of you. It's not enough that I lost all this weight and became an Ironman. I want to help people become XBigMen and XBigWomen. I hate the word "fat." When I see a large person, I don't see fat, I see energy waiting to be released.
Perhaps you are ready to release that energy and achieve goals you never dreamed possible. Just like I have managed to Escape From Alcatraz, perhaps you are ready to escape the prison of an unhealthy body and fly free. When you are ready, all you need to do is let me know because now I can help you.